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The world keeps changing...
God's hope never does.

Sunday Services
Central Campus 9 & 11am
East Campus 9:30 & 11am
Adventureland is offered for infants - Grade 5 at both campuses.
Our Upcoming Events
Click on the scrolling banners to learn more information

At the Movies -
Star Wars
The original classic Star Wars helps us understand why the overarching message
of Christianity and the Bible is so compelling.
The original hero story of a universe in trouble, threatened by evil forces and people out to dominate and destroy, and a chosen young leader commissioned to overcome evil and secure hope, life and freedom...
its much more than sci-fi fantasy, it's
the true gospel!
Contact Us!
About Us
One Church - Two Locations
Central Campus
3725 Bostwick Rd.
London, Ontario
N6P 1G9
Service Times:
Sundays 9 & 11am
East London Campus
716 Classic Drive
London, Ontario
N5W 5V6
Service Times:
Sundays 9:30 & 11am
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IOS and android

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